430EX vs Sigma EF-500 DG Super

Test shots while deciding between the Canon 430EX and the Sigma EF-500 DG Super. The Flashes were mounted on a Canon 350D. Special thanks to Watsons photo store for being patient while I try the flash.

Sigma EF-500 DG Super Shot number 1 (average)

Simga EF-500 DG Super Shot number 2 (Dim)

Simga EF-500 DG Super Shot number 3 (bright)

The 4th shot is exposed the same as the 3rd shot. 4 shots of the same subject and 3 different exposures confirms the forum reviews of an inconsistent flash output of the sigma on a Canon camera.

Canon 430EX 1st shot

Canon 430EX 2nd shot. 3rd and 4th shot are still about the same exposure showing consistency in the output.


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