
Showing posts from May, 2007

Inter Bike Club race

People at the the inter bike club race. Go Sherwin! Racer and the supporters. Spectators Kids at the race.

Jazlynn Baptism

Jazlynn's Christening The family Jaz with the guests I'm a christian soldier now. Star struck! After the reception, we went to Tiendesitas. My kids saw CJ who was kind enough to pose for a couple of snaps.

HSBC premier

Took photos of the re branded HSBC premier. The concept's so cool. A royal treatment at a bank.


dSLR Camera Body = 35,000.00 1GB memory card = 1,700.00 AA Battery Charger = 1,200.00 6pcs AA NiMH rechargeable battery = 600.00 50 mm F/1.8 Lens = 6,000.00 Flash = 14,000.00 Flash Diffuser = 1,200.00 Current investment = 59,700.00 - Still paying for the monthly amortization of the loan. _______________________________________ Off Camera Shoe Cord = 2,500.00 17-55mm F2.8 = 50,000.00 70-200mm F4 = 56,000.00 100mm F/2.8 Macro Lens = 29,000.00 Wireless Flash Trigger = 20,000.00 Flash (2nd) = 19,000.00 Future investment needed = 176,500.00 Special moments captured through photos ... priceless. But the equipment needed to do that are pricey!!! I have currently spent 59,700.00 on my current equipment( via loan). I need to spend another 176,500.00 to complete my photography kit. If you like my photos, please support me by buying prints, hiring me as photog for your events or sending in monetary help.

Why avoid (cheap) filter on your lens?

When I shot this image, contrast looks bad even on the tiny LCD of my camera. I tried another shot but the contrast is still the same and there's even a flare So I removed the cheap UV filter on my lens. The difference is like night and day. Why get the 50mm F1.8 lens? It's cheap It's a prime It allows you to capture low light photos like these